Friday, November 6, 2009

More Specials in December MOJO Magazine

The December 2009 issue of MOJO Magazine (UK) has a fascinating article on the break-up of The Specials (when Fun Boy 3 split off in the 80s--check out the awesome photo of Terry, Lynval, and Neville in the NYC subway to the right); Terry Hall's terrible bouts of depression; and the drama surrounding the 30th anniversary reunion (Jerry doesn't come off to well in this recounting of it).

Make sure to pick up a copy of MOJO on a regular basis, as its probably one of the best music magazines left in the business.


  1. Isnt it a bit hypocritical for you to rail against illegal music downloading and then scan and post an article illegally from Mojo Magazine? If I follow your logic, we should be buying songs from record companies (thus supporting the ailing record industry)instead of sharing them without paying for them right? If we follow the same logic, you are infringing on Mojo's copyright to this article and depriving them of their ability to earn more from those of us who should be going out to buy this issue instead of reading it for free on your blog right? There is some fine print in the front of the magaizine which reads 'All material published is copyright of EMAP Performance Ltd. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the prior permission of the publisher.' Just saying...

  2. Anonymous:

    Your point is well taken...I will take down the link.

    From the tone of your comments, I assume that you are pro-music file sharing?


  3. More like free advertising than copyright infringement, if you ask me. I didn't even know that MOJO was still around until I saw this post.

  4. Adam:

    Anon had a valid point, so I took it down--though as you can see from a few posts later, MOJO posted on-line all of the interviews with The Specials that were used to create this article...

    MOJO is still around and is essential reading!

