Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Duff Guide MOJO Watch: Glen Adams, Caribou Ska, Two Sevens Clash, and Laurel Aitken

The March 2011 issue of MOJO with Nirvana on the cover (hard to believe that all that grunge hoopla was 20 years ago--I was a young man with no big plans back then) has several items that will be of interest to ska and reggae fans.

Keyboardist Glen Adams' passing is noted in a detailed obituary by reggae expert Dave Katz (for instance, I now know that Adams worked with Jump with Joey, something that I don't think ever registered in my mind). Katz also reviews and raves about the latest re-issue compilation from Rock-A-Shacka, You'll Never Know: 18 Caribou Ska Selections (featuring early 60s ska cuts by Laurel Aitken, Rico, Lord Tanamo, Don Drummond and more, produced by Indian-Jamaican businessman Dada Tewari and released on his Caribou label).

Also in this issue, Ian Harrison brings our attention to the re-issue of Culture's apocalyptic Two Sevens Clash on vinyl (from VP Records), while the Laurel Aitken Everybody Ska! Rudi Got Married, 1980-1992 comp (Pressure Drop) receives a one-paragraph mention in the "Reissues Extra" section (though we think it deserves much more--check out the extensive Duff Guide to Ska review of Laurel's 2 Tone and early 3rd wave output here).

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