Here are the details:
Thursday, April 7, 2011
The Forthrights
The Pinstripes
Otto's Shrunken Head
538 East 14th Street (between Avenues A and B)
Alphabet City in Manhattan!
9:00 pm
+ + + +
The Pinstripes will also be playing Two Boots in Brooklyn on Friday, April 8, 2011 at 10:00 pm. This show is free, but do yourself a favor and buy a slice or two.
I really dig this flyer in support of the band's New York State gigs...(nice job!):

The text forms an image of the state, get it?
+ + + +
The Forthrights head out on the Ska is Dead Young Guns 2011 tour next week! Go out and see them, America!
Hi, Duff.
It's Viktor writing. First of all, I wanna thank you. It's always great pleasure to see that new york ska stage is full. And secondly, I need your help. It's my second month in NYC. I came from Ukraine and from that time I'm looking with passion for any signs of new york ska or traditional skinheads crews, for some live or vinyls partys. Where can I get information about that.
By the way, for any case my e-mail is fastr@ukr.net
Thanks, Viktor. Keep checking here for info about NYC ska shows--and you should also go on Facebook and become friends with some of the bands and ska promoters in the area like: The Hard Times, The Forthrights, The Rudie Crew, The Hub City Stompers, Bigger Thomas, The Bluebeats, Crazy Baldhead/Agent Jay, Rudies Don't Care, King Django, Version City, etc.
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