(Review by Steve Shafer)
While the new As You Walk Away EP from Rudebeard, a Scottish ska supergroup (made up of members of The Amphetameanies, Newtown Grunts, Joe Viterbo, and other acts north of Hadrian's Wall) is a mere three tracks, all of them are funny, gleefully irreverent, and extraordinarily catchy. The title track--the only one without rude words--is a mid-tempo modern ska track with awesome, I've-learned-my-lesson lyrics straight out of a country and western song: [Chorus:] "Don't you let the door hit you on the arse/At least exit quietly/You were right and I was wrong/But now I've got some clarity/Lots and lots of clarity..." Whenever live shows are permitted again, everyone in the venue will be singing along to this one. "Small C Conservative" eviscerates free market-loving politicians ("He's a small 'c' conservative/And a big 'C' cunt...Friedmanite/Gammonite/Monetarist/Gobshite"), while sporting a wickedly good Brix Smith-era Fall meets Dick Dale surf guitar riff (and '80s Fall synth sounds). As its title suggests, "A Mucky Fumble on a Pishy Mattress" is kind of over before it's really started--the song's only about 30 seconds long--but it's nevertheless a great pop-punk-ska cut. (Rudebeard has two other digital EPs available, both very much worth checking out: Smell Yer Ska and Wide-os on the Rise.)
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