Yes, there will be no off-beats here, but Nick's got the knack for writing incredible songs and Rhoda's voice is richer than ever. I think I'd follow them if they took up some obsure form of Ukranian folk music--down the musical rabbit hole, so to speak--they're that talented and clearly collaborate so well. Check out their respective MySpace pages (linked above) for a few more samples of their kick-ass garage rock! And stay tuned for more details.
Nick also reports that work has begun on the third Skaville UK record, which will feature horns and include a bonus CD of acoustic tracks. If you haven't already picked up their other excellent records, 1973 and Decadent (which also include guest vocals from Rhoda), what are you waiting for?
I thought the first skaville UK album was really weak, and as I recall you gave it less than a stellar review, how is the second one?
I gave 1973 a B+/A-. Click on the "Decadent" link in this post for my review of their second record...(I really like it)...
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